Monday, September 22, 2008

First Day of School


I start my MBA program today. I have been anticipating the start of this degree for over two years, and now, today, it begins.

There are many things I have correctly anticipated about what this - my first day of school - would be like. I am wearing a suit. The day begins with coffee and a meet-and-greet. There will be formal introductions, a class portrait, a champagne reception (Yipee!). I will meet tons of new people and remember some of their names. I will meet my professors and try to not be intimidated, but I will be intimidated, and that's okay. I will finish the day exhausted but - I hope - exhilarated.

What I never could have imagined, and what will be with me all day long, is this:

My stepdad once studied at the university at which I am matriculating.


Today is his birthday.

John did a summer science program here, and he was in nerd heaven (as I soon will be, though studying finance, not physics). He loved this place. He and my mom lived here that summer, and thereafter our house was adorned in university paraphernalia. Tea towels, mugs, plates, t-shirts, sweatshirts, scarves, baseball caps, winter hats, posters, calendars.

Now, all that paraphernalia (and all the new paraphernalia my mom and I have since added to the collection) takes on a new meaning, as this becomes my school, my future graduate alma mater.

The universe works in mysterious ways. I know that's a corny thing to say, but I believe it. And I will relish the connection I will feel to John, today and every day that I study here. I know he would have been bursting with pride and telling everyone within earshot that I am doing my MBA here, just like he did when I got a perfect score on my math SAT ten years ago.

I believe there is good karma all around me today, and I will absorb it as best I can.

Happy Birthday, John. Thank you for inspiring me to be the best student, and the best person, I can be.

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