Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Cover Your Butt! And the Butts of Your Fellow Americans!

I received an email today from C3, the Colorectal Cancer Coalition, with an urgent message and easy task.

Right now, there are three bills in Congress that - if passed - would cover screenings for three huge constituencies of Americans: the poor and underserved, the elderly and those with private insurance.

To sign the petition click here.

The three Acts are as follows:
  • HR 1738: The Colorectal Cancer Prevention, Early Detection, and Treatment Act will establish a program at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to provide colorectal cancer screenings and treatment for low-income, uninsured and underinsured individuals who are not eligible for Medicare.
  • HR 1926/S 1164: The Colon Cancer Screen for Life Act will expand existing Medicare coverage of colorectal cancer screening to include pre-procedure visits and other reimbursements, minimizing the out-of-pocket expenses for our nation’s elderly.
  • HR 3060: The Colorectal Cancer Screening and Detection Coverage Act would require private health insurance plans to provide coverage for colorectal cancer. Plus, the bill will protect anyone from being denied a policy due to their need for colorectal cancer screening.
It takes about 10 seconds to sign the petition. In doing so, you are contributing to an effort to save lives.

On the C3 website, you can learn more about colon cancer advocacy initiatives. You can also send a letter to your local Congressmen encouraging them to support colorectal cancer screenings.

Stand Up to Cancer and Cover Your Butt!

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