Tuesday, August 5, 2008

It's Never Too Early to Advocate, Apparently

Uy. It's way too early here to be awake and functioning, especially for those of us who are currently funemployed (read: taking a hiatus from work and not back in school quite yet). Alas, I was woken up at 7:30 this morning by the recycling truck, of all things. Only in this quaint lil' ol' country would the garbage men be up and at 'em by dawn. Uy yuy yuy.

But anyway, once I failed at my attempt to sleep in, the www came calling, and I stumbled upon a really great blog: Cancer is Boring, written by Brad O'Brien, a lymphoma survivor (multiple times over) in San Francisco. I love his candid, open, fearless attitude. Brad exemplifies survivorship and advocacy. I hope you will take a moment to check out his blog! I know I will keep reading.


Even though Brad and I don't know each other, we have one thing in common - we were both invited by Tara Settembre, a PR gal and cancer survivor herself, to send photos showing why we stand up against cancer. The photos will be used in a montage on the September 5 airing of Stand Up To Cancer. I will post my photos closer to the air date, so you can keep your eyes peeled for me...

Meanwhile, check out Tara's fabulous blog. She has quite the life out in LA!


I have added both Brad's and Tara's blogs to my new blogroll. If you know of any other great blogs by cancer survivors and advocates, please let me know!

1 comment:

TaraMetBlog said...

Thanks for the link Jen! :)