Friday, August 29, 2008

The Grind Begins

Sigh... I have known this post day would come.

I am writing to say that I will be posting less often from now on, because I need to start focusing on my MBA work. But I will definitely keep this blog up and running, and I look forward to the insights I will gain as an MBA student!

There is so much more to learn and there will never be enough time to learn it, but I look forward to continuing to chronicle what I do learn (and when I do learn it) here.

So - sigh. But! Yay!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Jen,

Thanks so much for reaching out to me on my blog, Cancer is Boring.

I'm working on redesigning my site to include community pages, fundraising, chat feature and some interviews.

I would love to include you as a featured interview and your experience acting as a caregiver to stepdad to feature on my site. If you're interested and up to it, let me know. I would love to hear your experience through your words.

Hope you're having a great time in Germany - I have many good friends there. You can reach me at

Love to you,